10 Verses For The Woman Who Feels Like An Outcast

If you’re reading this, we could assume it is because you resonate with the title I chose, so first off, let me just tell you that I feel you. I too have spent much of my life feeling like one of those sad broken toys on the Isle of Misfit Toys from Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer.

School, family, church, work - Regardless of where you are feeling left out, I have good news for you! From one outcast to another! It is this - you can rest my friend in the truth that you always have a place of belonging with the Father!

This is the best of news because He sees the deepest parts of you, and He knows you thoroughly and completely, and even still, He loves you more than you could even begin to comprehend or imagine. It is my sincere prayer that these verses help that truth settle into your heart!

Isaiah 53:3

He was despised and rejected by men, a man of deep sorrows who was no stranger to suffering and grief. We hid our faces from him in disgust and considered him a nobody, not worthy of respect. Isaiah 53:3 TPT

Right off the bat, you have to remember who Jesus was when He walked the earth. Isaiah reminds us that our Savior is familiar with being an outsider and an outcast. He came to set His people free and they didn’t receive Him.

He is familiar with rejection and because of that we can rest in His acceptance, knowing we always have a place in His presence and kingdom.

Psalm 68:6

To the fatherless he is a father.
To the widow he is a champion friend.
To the lonely he makes them part of a family.
To the prisoners he leads into prosperity until they sing for joy.
This is our Holy God in his Holy Place!
But for the rebels there is heartache and despair. Psalm 68:6 TPT

Maybe you don’t feel that you fit into the family that you were born into. I get that. I was the sensitive, creative kid who hated all of the food that my family would often bond over. They were loud and fun and always joking and teasing, and I would cry if anyone even slightly teased me. I didn’t talk like them, and being a biracial child, I didn’t feel like I looked like either side of my family.

The good news - God fills in those gaps. He is our champion friend. He surrounds us with and makes us part of a family. In my case, He brought me people who pointed me to Him and taught me who I was in Him, and as a result, I am closer to my natural family than ever before because I now know who I am and whose I am.

Ask God to make you a part of a family and watch out for who He sends or leads you to.

When you are struggling with feeling left out and the loneliness associated with that, it’s so important that you know how loved you are. Understanding where you stand with the Father is a game changer and that is why we have a FREE 6-day scripture writing challenge that is ALL about how overwhelmingly loved you are. Join thousands of women as we all discover (or rediscover) how important we are to the Father. You can join us by clicking here!

Psalm 27:10 & 14

My father and mother abandoned me. I’m like an orphan!
But you took me in and made me yours. Psalm 27:10 TPT

Here’s what I’ve learned through it all:
Don’t give up; don’t be impatient;
be entwined as one with the Lord.
Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope.
Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you! Psalm 27:10 TPT

Isaiah 54:10

Even if the mountains were to crumble and the hills disappear, my heart of steadfast, faithful love will never leave you, and my covenant of peace with you will never be shaken,” says Yahweh, whose love and compassion will never give up on you. Isaiah 54:10 TPT

There is a Matthew West song that says He’s “The God who stays. You’re the One who runs in my direction when the whole world walks away.” People may let us down, but He never will.

Psalm 46:1-2

God, you’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge!
You’re a proven help in time of trouble
more than enough and always available whenever I need you.
So we will never fear
even if every structure of support were to crumble away.
We will not fear even when the earth quakes and shakes,
moving mountains and casting them into the sea. Psalm 46:1-2 TPT

Isaiah 49:15

Yahweh responds, “But how could a loving mother forget her nursing child and not deeply love the one she bore? Even if a there is a mother who forgets her child, I could never, no never, forget you. Can’t you see? I have carved your name on the palms of my hands! Your walls are always my concern. Isaiah 49:15 TPT

The desire you have for community and belonging are God-given, and they are good. We all want to be fully known and fully excepted. We want to know that we are seen and that we matter.

The whole Bible is a love letter from our Father, declaring those very things over us. The cross is the ultimate proof that we are fully known and fully accepted. We are seen, and we have value with our Father. The sacrifice of the cross was to make this deep relationship possible.

It doesn’t just stop its out relationship with the Father either.

Romans 15:7

You will bring God glory when you accept and welcome one another as partners, just as the Anointed One has fully accepted you and received you as his partner. Romans 15:7 TPT

As you learn how welcomed and accepted you are by the Father, it changes you. That what love does. It makes us better. As as we grow in that confidence and learn who we are in Christ, we can begin to be the hands and feet of Jesus in our communities.

We begin to be the people we wish we had in our lives for others. In places where we once felt left out, we begin to see others who are feeling the same way, and we begin to reach out and show them the love that we have received.

Luke 19:10

Jesus said to him, “This shows that today life has come to you and your household, for you are a true son of Abraham. The Son of Man has come to seek out and to give life to those who are lost.” Luke 19:9-10 TPT

Zacchaeus, wee little man that He was, was an outcast. He was someone people avoided and resented, but once Jesus met him right where he was and accepted Him, he changed. His whole character and demeanor changed. He became an asset to his community.

Galatians 3:28-29

And we no longer see each other in our former state—Jew or non-Jew, rich or poor, male or female—because we’re all one through our union with Jesus Christ with no distinction between us. And since you’ve been united to Jesus the Messiah, you are now Abraham’s “child” and inherit all the promises of the kingdom realm! Galatians 3:28-29 TPT

Thanks to Jesus and His great sacrifice, there are now no outcasts. There are no orphans in His kingdom. There are no distinctions that would separate or divide in the kingdom. We are all one.

Luke 15:1-2

Many dishonest tax collectors and other notorious sinners often gathered around to listen as Jesus taught the people. This raised concerns with the Jewish religious leaders and experts of the law. Indignant, they grumbled and complained, saying, “Look at how this man associates with all these notorious sinners and welcomes them all to come to him!” Luke 15:1-2 TPT

Jesus loves outcasts. He loves the ones the world would scoff at or cast off just as much as the ones others would lift up and praise. When the religious leaders made this accusation in Luke 15, Jesus goes on to explain to them that He is willing to leave the 99 to go after the one that is lost and hurting.

That is how He loves. He sees you when you worry that you will never find a church that you can feel at home in. He sees when you’re struggling to attend holidays because you feel like the black sheep of the family. He’s with you when you’re scrolling social media and see your acquaintances hanging out and having fun.

He sees you, and He is with you. He’s pursuing you and your heart. You are not alone. You will have a community. Just lean into Him and trust in His faithfulness in the process.

Matthew 8:1-34

After he came down from teaching on the hillside, massive crowds began following him. Suddenly, a leper walked up to Jesus and threw himself down before him in worship and said, “Lord, you have the power to heal me . . . if you really want to.” Jesus reached out his hand and touched the leper and said, “Of course I want to heal you—be healed!” And instantly, all signs of leprosy disappeared! Matthew 8:1-3 TPT

Maybe you feel disqualified from community and being loved, accepted, and used by God. Perhaps you are convinced the reason you feel like an outcast is because of choices or circumstances that you caused.

Maybe you can relate to the lepers of Jesus’ time who had to live separate and who had to declare themselves unclean when they were in the presence of others.

We may feel like lepers, cast out, and unclean, but Jesus doesn’t even hesitate to reach out to those the world labels unclean. Let me tell you what I am probably not going to do - touch a leper. But look at Jesus. He reaches out, touches the leper, and speaks with such kindness and compassion.

You are not too far gone. You are not a screw-up or a letdown. You have not reached the limits of God’s forgiveness. You are not worthless or unusable.

As long as you have breath in your lungs, you have a purpose and a Father waiting with open arms.

You are not alone, my friend.

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All the verses marked TPT shared in today post are taken from one of Mike and I’s favorite translations, The Passion Translation. We love this version and the heart behind it. The best part is the Kindle version is usually available on Amazon for under $10. Last time I checked, it was only $8.99! You can check it out here.